Friday, December 20, 2013

3 - 6 - 9 Exception for Art, Humanities, and Social/Behavioral Sciences

What is a 3 - 6 - 9 exception? Why would a student request one?
  • Typically students take 6 credits of Art (GA), 6 credits of Humanities (GH), and 6 credits in Social and Behavioral Science (GS) to fulfill these three areas of his/her General Education requirements. 

  • University policy allows for a 3 - 6 - 9 exception, as long as there are a total of 18 credits, with a minimum of 3 credits in one area, 6 credits in another area, and 9 in the third category.

  • A 3 - 6 - 9 exception is a petition that can be completed for students that are interested in taking an extra course (for 3 credits) in one of three general education areas (GA - GH - GS). A student may have an interest in one of these areas; thus they choose to take an extra 3 credits in that area. Therefore, they can take 3 fewer credits in one of the two remaining areas.

An example for AEE majors.
  • A student takes Sociology 001 as a GS, then they take AG BM 101 and INTAG 101 as required courses for the major (both of which can count in the major requirements, as well as GS credits). This would give the student 9 credits of GS. The student also has completed 6 credits of GH in this scenario. Since the student has 6 credits of GH and 9 credits of GS in this scenario, he/she would only need 3 credits of GA; thus, the student would be eligible for a 3 - 6 - 9 exception.
A second example for AEE majors.
  • A student completes 6 credits of GS and 9 credits of GH in their program. Since he/she has 9 credits of GH and already has 6 credits of GS, he/she only needs 3 credits of GA (art) to complete the requirement to request a 3 - 6- 9 exception.
Questions, or you think you may be eligible for a 3 - 6 - 9 exception contact your advisor!