In the Agricultural and Extension Education (AEE) Major, we are blessed to have the opportunity to take courses from multiple areas of study as we try to prepare to have a sound technical agriculture foundation to lead our programs. Truly, the amount of agriculture we need to be familiar with can be overwhelming. It becomes critical that EVERY single class we take "matters". Every single credit should be in a worthwhile course that furthers our understanding and equips us with knowledge for the task ahead.
That being said, one person's "best class ever" is another person's "avoid at all cost". The quality of some classes can be impacted by a change in instructor. All classes listed below were 100% endorsed (ie no one said to not take any of them). Keeping that mind, below are some courses recommended by the 2013 Student Teacher Cohort.
AEE requires:
- 6 credits in Plant Sciences (not including Soils 101)
- 6 credits in Animal Sciences
- 6 credits Agricultural Mechanics (or ASM)
- 14 Additional Technical Agriculture Credits.
Agricultural Mechanics (ASM Requirement)
- AEE 297B- Shop Processes for Agricultural Educators (3 credits)
- This course is taught by Dr. Ewing in the Spring on Tuesday's (4-5pm) and Thursdays (4-8pm). HIGHLY recommended by all students.
- AEE 350 - Laboratory Methods for Agricultural Educators (3 credits)
- Required Fall Course for Seniors.
- ASM 326 - Hazard Identification and Control in Production Agriculture and Related Business (3 credits)
- Identification and control of hazards common to farms and agriculturally related rural businesses, including structures, equipment, animals, chemicals, outdoor environment.
- Fall Course. Online Option
- Horticulture 101- Horticulture Sciences (3 credits)
- A GN course, Introduction to horticulture with emphasis on plant domestication, morphology, classification, world food crops, commodities, gardens, propagation, and agrochemicals
- Has an online option and is offered Fall and Spring
- Horticulture 202 - Plant Propagation (3 credits)
- Principles and practices of asexual and sexual plant propagation.
- Horticulture 352 - Flower Arranging (2 credits)
- Floral design beginning with elements and principles of design. Flower arranging techniques as well as different styles of flower arrangements.
- Offered Fall and Spring, but very popular course. Target to take Junior Spring or Senior Fall. Talk with instructor directly about spots available for AEE upperclassmen.
- AgroEcology 201 - Introduction to Agroecoloy (3 credits)
- Introduction to the processes and considerations that lead to the development of integrated solutions to crop production problem solving.
- Spring Course
- Animal Sciences 201 - Introduction to Animal Science (4 credits)
- Scope of animal and poultry science; genetic, physiological, nutritional, and health factors in food production.
- Offered Fall and Spring. HIGHLY recommended by most all graduates as a critical class providing a sound foundation and helping with PRAXIS exam.
- Animal Sciences 207 - Animal Products Technology (2 credits)
- Composition, safety, palatability, preservation, and processing of foods from animals, impact of animal production, and handling practices on product properties.
- Fall Only Course
- Animal Sciences 208- Animal Products Technology Laboratory (1 credit)
- Harvesting and processing of foods from animals; hands-on and demonstration exercises; industry procedures for processing meat, milk, and egg products.
- Fall and Spring
- Animal Sciences 324 -Value Determination of Meat Animals (3 credits)
- Live animal and carcass evaluation of cattle, sheep, and swine to determine value of market animals and meat products.
- Fall only course
- AEE 297a (AEE 217) - Practical Parliamentary Procedure (3 credits)
- Introduction and Overview of Parliamentary Procedure. Ends in opportunity for Accreditation. Wednesday Nights
- Spring Only Course
- Science Education 455 - Field Natural History for Teachers (3 credits)
- Ecologically oriented field study course to provide teachers with basic knowledge of natural science resources in school environments
- Great class taught by former secondary agricultural education, Dr. George Vahoviak.
- Fall Only Course. Field Trip Based. Thursdays from 4:40-7:20pm
- Shaver's Creek Classes
- Highly recommended to take all of them and engage in opportunity for credit at Shavers Creek!
Literature Course (to fulfill PDE Certification requirements)
- COM LIT 184 - Short Story (3 credits)
- Lectures, discussion, readings in translation, with primary emphasis on major writers of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century
- Offered Fall, Spring, Summer
General Education Courses
- Geography 122- The American Scene (3 credits)
- Historical perspectives on the social and cultural forces associated with the production of distinctive American landscapes
- GH, US Course
- Fall Only Course
PSU Bulletin of Courses:
PSU Schedule:
Remember!!! This is NOT a substitute for academic advising, merely an additional resource. You should be meeting a minimum of once per semester with your academic advisor face to face to discuss your progress and how your are maximizing your education!!
Commonwealth campus AEE teacher certification students are encouraged to correspond via email with Dr. Ewing ( or Dr. Foster (